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Hi RN team! I have a lovely 8mo baby boy who we just transitioned to his own room in his cot. He is very mobile and keeps waking himself up through the night as he constantly bangs the cot walls. I was wondering if a floor bed would be ok to use at such a young age? Could he roll from it and hurt himself? Many thanks

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Posted a response on 2/11/20

Red Nose Education

Most babies will be rolling over by 4- 5 months. This is very normal as babies grow & become stronger.
Many babies then prefer to sleep on their side or tummy.
It is not uncommon for some babies to roll into sides of the cot at times.
This is not something that needs to be stopped. It is important to make his new environment as safe as possible.

Parents are generally concerned about the potential for injury from the infant bumping up against the cot sides, or getting an arm or leg stuck between the slats.

Mesh type bumpers are unlikely to reduce impact of child hitting sides of the cot, unless they are soft & padded.
Red Nose does not recommend using soft & padded bumpers in the cot.

It is most unlikely that any baby would suffer long-term injuries from contact with cot slats.
There are risks when a young baby is placed on a floor mattress. Yes, they can roll off the mattress, but also have access to other risks in their room or the rest of the house.

Most babies don’t transfer out of cot till 2 to 3 years, rarely before 18 months.

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