International Stillbirth Alliance

Red Nose is a member of ISA, an alliance of member organisations and individual supporters working towards stillbirth prevention and improvement of bereavement care worldwide.
In collaboration with member organisations, ISA works to publicise the results of stillbirth research, and in particular to facilitate the dissemination and use of the knowledge gained through the best available research evidence. ISA does this through fostering collaboration by connecting individuals and organisations around the world through conferences, regional meetings and a reliable web-based resource.
For more information visit
International Society for the Study and Prevention of Perinatal and Infant Death

Red Nose is a member of ISPID, a not-for-profit organisation that is leading the world in discovering evidence-based preventive measures for stillbirth and sudden infant death. ISPID also works to promote improved quality, standardisation of care for bereaved parents, and networking families, professionals, and scientists through resource sharing.
For more information visit