You might think it’s impossible to go on your summer camping adventures with your little one in tow, but that is not the case.

All you need to do is simply follow our safe sleep guidelines to help keep your little ones safe. This may mean your camping equipment is in need of an upgrade. Gone are those days where a two-man tent can be flung over your shoulder, and you wander off into the wilderness.
What you will definitely need is a travel cot, also known as a portacot which is the safest place you can lay bub to rest inside your tent. But please do not add extra bedding to the portacot mattress, as this creates a suffocation hazard. The mattresses are quite thin, firm and flat, but that is exactly what your baby needs to keep them safe. Also, make sure there aren’t any stuffed animals, padding or anything loose in the cot, as this is another choking hazard.
Tents can feel stuffy, so ensure that they are well-ventilated to reduce the chance of your baby overheating. Airflow is crucial in caravans too. Even though it can be a tight squeeze, room can be made for a portacot by removing the table or any other furniture in your space. If your caravan is too small, just a firm and flat mattress on the floor is the safest option for your baby. It is so important to make sure that your little babies are placed to sleep on their backs with their faces and heads to remain uncovered. Never sleep a baby in a pram inside a tent as, again, this puts your baby at risk of overheating.
For those seeking time away in more luxurious digs, a hotel or Airbnb could be preferable. But the same safe sleep rules apply for your baby whether it’s a 1-star or a 5-star accommodation.
Click here to read up on more of our safe sleeping articles
Last modified: 6/4/23