Red Nose does not recommend placing anything around the neck of a sleeping baby as this could tighten during sleep and make breathing difficult and may even strangle baby. Furthermore, strings of beads could break and individual beads could end up in a baby’s mouth, presenting a choking hazard.

The Australian Government has recently issued a warning notice about the use of amber teething necklaces (bracelets and necklaces of amber beads). Testing of several of these products indicated that they could break into small parts and present a choking hazard to children under three years of age
In 2011, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, David Bradbury recently issued a warning notice to the public in relation to amber teething necklaces.
Amber teething necklaces and bracelets consist of amber beads which are a fossilised tree resin and range in colour from yellow to white and beige to brown.
The warning notice was issued after ACCC testing of several of these products indicated that they could break into small parts and present a choking hazard to children under three years of age.
Suppliers claim that when worn close to the skin, succinic acid will be released by the amber beads to relieve the symptoms of teething. Some suppliers also make claims for other conditions including eczema and asthma.
Consumers using this product are advised to:
- always supervise the infant when wearing the necklace or bracelet
- remove the necklace or bracelet when the infant is unattended, even if it is only for a short period of time
- remove the necklace or bracelet while the infant sleeps at day or night not allow the infant to mouth or chew the necklace or bracelet
- consider using alternate forms of pain relief
- seek medical advice if you have concerns about your child’s health and wellbeing.
View the warning notice here.
Last modified: 20/3/19