A tiny hand waved from under a blanket in the black and white video Kiarateuila Lattimore unearthed on her baby monitor. It caught the moment her son could have died.

It was definitely something I kept private for a while, because of the shame,” Lattimore tells 9Honey Parenting of the harrowing footage.
I couldn’t fathom people thinking, ‘How could you put your kid at risk after what your family’s already been through? After what you already know, you should know better.
The new mum thought she knew everything about sleep safety before the accident that could have killed her son.
She lost two siblings when she was young, one to stillbirth and another to late-term miscarriage, and her mum was always open with her about the family tragedies.
What comes out of it is fantastic information about what actually happens and what you can do to prevent things [going wrong],
she says of those conversations.
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