Joey by Koala Kookaburra Cot and Joey Mattress

We are the leading authority in Australia for safe sleep for babies, safer pregnancy advice, and bereavement support for anyone affected by the death of a baby or child.

Since 1977, we have worked to reduce the rate of SIDS across Australia by a massive 80% or over 11,000 babies saved.

Kookaburra Cot and Joey Mattress by Koala Red Nose Safer

A Red Nose Safer tick means that our team have assessed the product against Red Nose’s six safe sleep recommendations.

Red Nose Safe Sleep Recommendations

To reduce the risks of SIDS and fatal sleep accidents:

1. Always place baby on their back to sleep

2. Keep baby’s face and head uncovered

3. Keep baby smoke free, before and after birth

4. Safe sleeping environment, night and day

5. Sleep baby in their own safe sleep space in the parent or caregiver’s room for the first 6 months

6. Breastfeed baby

FInd out more about the recommendations

A safe sleep environment includes a firm, flat, and well-fitting mattress, and a cot that meets the current Australian standards.

Koala is an Australian-owned company that is well known for their adult furniture. The Kookaburra Cot and The Koala Joey Cot Mattress have been reviewed by the Red Nose Australia Product Review Committee and meet Red Nose Australia Safe Sleeping criteria as at October 2022.