As part of our Reconciliation journey of listening and learning we are guided by the recommendation in the Uluru Statement from the Heart for a First Nations Voice to be enshrined in the Constitution.

Red Nose recognises the importance of strengthening our relationship with First Nation communities. The work we are doing in our Reconciliation Action Plan to be more inclusive and educated about First Nation culture and story, is an ongoing journey. By having an Indigenous Voice to Parliament we believe this will lead to a better future for all Australians.
Red Nose acknowledges the higher incidence of perinatal and baby death are experienced within First Nation communities and we are working to ensure our resources and knowledge reaches all people in a culturally safe and appropriate manner.
Supporting the Voice aligns with our values and mission of Saving little lives and supporting anyone affected by the death of a baby or child. We are very proud of the work our National Scientific Advisory Group and the First Nation Initiatives Working Group do to advise, educate and support First Nations communities. We will continue this work to improve the lives of babies across our lands.
Supporting the Voice to Parliament shows our commitment to continuous action to reduce the barriers to access between First Nation communities and safe sleep and best practice bereavement education and support. As a not-for-profit organisation working with First Nation communities, we are passionate about improving the lives of First Nations peoples and closing the gap on infant death.
When we listen, we learn. When we know better, we do better.
Skye Stewart, Wergaia and Wemba Wemba woman from Mallee, Victoria