We welcome the Federal Government’s announcement of two days miscarriage leave

We welcome the announcement by the Federal Government of the intention to introduce legislation that includes two days bereavement leave for both partners in loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks. This policy will apply to all workers being employed under the Fair Work Act.

Two days leave

Keren Ludski co-CEO said

“Two days may not seem like a lot, but the policy provides legitimacy to the trauma that miscarriage can cause families and also brings the conversation out in the open.

“ We are particularly pleased with the inclusion of partners in the policy, as often their grief is minimised even further than the person who experience the miscarriage.

This announcement comes on the back of the NSW Government announcing that all public service staff will now receive an extra five days leave entitlement if they suffer a miscarriage or stillbirth.

“It is wonderful to see what we have long known to be a traumatic event, on the national agenda and receiving the attention it deserves

“We welcome the conversation around miscarriage and baby loss and encourage more people to speak openly about their losses.

If you have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, neo natal death or childhood death Red Nose is available 24/7 on our support line 1300 307 308.

For media enquiries, or to arrange an interview, contact:

Fiona Jordan

Mobile: 0402 846 867

Email: marketingrequests@rednose.org.au