More than 900 participants turned out at Perth’s City Beach last Sunday 18 February to take part in the seventh annual Sunshine Beach Run.

Entrants walked or ran 1km, 3km or 5km, with this year’s event so far raising about $100,000, with the final fundraising tally still to come.
Present on the day to share his story and thank participants and spectators was West Coast Eagles physiotherapist Chris Perkin, who founded the event in 2012 following the loss of his son Jake and wife Cindy. The event continues to provide an opportunity for bereaved families and friends to come together each year to remember their loved ones.
West Coast Eagles players and event ambassadors Marc LeCras and Jack Darling, plus Ingrid Colyer from West Coast Fever, sports presenter Adrian Barich, and community ambassadors Rebecca and Giulian Lloyd-Booth also donated their time to help make this year’s event a great success.
The morning started with Barich introducing the Town of Cambridge Mayor, Keri Shannon, to give the Acknowledgment to Country. The day then kicked off with the first ever Mascot Race and the traditional celebrity sprint race.
Fun-filled festivities accompanied the run, including the family fun zone, a flag demonstration from the Perth City Surf Life Saving Club, market stalls, and delicious snacks from the new food trucks.
This year also featured the presentation of the first Sunshine Beach Run auction items to the winning bidders.
The second Mylee Manning Award of Recognition was once again presented by the Manning family to winners, Lauren and Rob Movick.
“Lauren and Rob have done amazing work fundraising for and generally supporting Red Nose for many years and we thank both them and the Mannings for everything they do to help us save little lives,” Red Nose Fundraising Coordinator Rikki Stewart said.
Thanks also to the Pamphleteers, who donated an amazing $10,000 in addition to their sponsorship, and our community fundraisers who raised more than $15,000 alone.
“The Pamphleteers have been fantastic supporters of the Sunshine Beach Run and have made large donations for three years running,” Rikki said.
“A very special thank you to all our amazing fundraisers, event ambassadors, and hardworking volunteers who kept everything running smoothly.”
Visit the Sunshine Beach Run Facebook page to tag yourself in the photos.
Thank you to the following for their participation:
Event Founder: Chris Perkin
Event Ambassadors: Marc LeCras, Jack Darling, Adrian Barich, Ingrid Colyer
Community Ambassadors: Rebecca and Giulian Lloyd-Booth
Town of Cambridge Mayor: Mayor Keri Shannon
Mylee Manning Award of Recognition presenters: The Manning family
Mascot Race participants: Mr Newsie (Community News Group), Rick the Rock (West Coast Eagles), Rupert (The Pamphleteers), Sid (Red Nose)
Inaugural Mascot Race winner: Rupert & Rick the Rock
Celebrity Sprint participants: Ingrid Colyer (West Coast Fever), Matty Knight (Perth Wildcats), Brittany Houghton (City of Perth SLSC), Emily Longo (Perth Running Club), Dennis Teale (BOQ), Jackson Dring (Christchurch Grammar), Nick Reid (North Beach Football Club), Alex Bromellini (Scarborough Football Club)
2018 Perkin Memorial Cup winner: Alex Bromellini
Race warm-up: Brianna, Bri-Fit
Thank you to our event partners and sponsors:
Gold Sponsor: Western Suburbs Weekly
Venue Sponsor: Town of Cambridge
Silver Sponsors: The Pamphleteers, City Subaru
Bronze Sponsors: BOQ Floreat, Royal Life Saving Society WA, Advantage Air
Supplier Sponsors: Rendezvous Hotel, Uptempo Designs, Multi Sport Australia
Valued Partners: Bonaire, Body Logic Physiotherapy, Perth Face Painting Company, Humphrey Architects, Quality Press, Prime Trophies, Snack In The Box Confectionery, Upper Reach Wineries, Tiny Hearts First Aid, Kindy Dance Time, WA Cleanskins