Beautiful Savannah, daughter to Jason and Serene, and little sister of Siena, died unexpectedly on Boxing Day 2022. Her family have become fierce advocates to raise awareness of Sudden Unexplained Death in Children and Red Nose.

“Never did I think burying my own child would be part of my story, but it is now my reality”
- Serene, Savannah’s mother
Jason and Serene both participated in Red Nose’s first ever Three Peaks Challenge on 3-5 November 2023 - a 24km walk across breathtaking trails of three different mountain peaks in the NSW Alps. They took along a photo of Savannah and her favourite toy Elmo, and because Savvy’s big sister Siena didn’t want to be forgotten on the adults-only trip she stuffed her Big Bird toy alongside Elmo.
Little Savannah, or Savvy, died on Boxing Day 2022.
Savannah was the loved and cherished younger daughter to Serene and Jason, and little sister to beautiful Siena (who in videos can be seen referring to baby Savannah as Mei Mei). It isn’t just Savannah’s immediate family who have been affected by her death, but grandparents, cousins, neighbours and friends.
While awaiting their heavenly reunion with Savannah, Jason and Serene have fiercely fought for answers and raising funds for Red Nose.
They have also advocated to raise awareness of Sudden Unexplained Death in Children or SUDC, which is the sudden and unexpected death of a child over the age of 12 months that remains unexplained.
Though Jason and Serene have recently received a report that Savvy’s cause of death was officially listed as Bronchopneumonia, Savvy did not have any symptoms or anything identifiable that could even remotely lead to death, and they continue to advocate for better awareness and understanding of SUDC.
Taking big steps for little lives
Reflecting on the day before the walk, Serene wrote: “Feeling very emotional at the moment, thinking about the hike. Every day I find myself desperate to do something for Savannah. After all, I went from changing nappies, feeding, bathing her to not being able to physically care for her in any way.
“This hike is a small way I can display to everyone, the love and care I have for my precious child. To honour her very special life.
“Thank you all for generously supporting Red Nose and honouring the life of my very dear child Savannah.”
Joined by Red Nose’s CEO Keren Ludski, many of the walkers on the trek were also bereaved parents or family members with the names of those they were walking for shared on the banner – “Taking big steps for little lives.”
Jason and Serene have given us permission to publish stories they have shared.
Imagine spending one of the happiest days with your family eating, singing and dancing together on Christmas day. After all, it’s considered the most wonderful time of the year. You then go to bed, content with the world and thanking God for all the blessings he has given. Now imagine waking up the next day, finding one of your children has died.
On Boxing Day 2022, this happened to me and my family when my 21-month-old daughter Savannah went to be with her Lord Jesus Christ.
I remember the morning vividly, finding her, calling 000, trying to give her air in the chance of bringing her back. I also remember when the paramedics arrived and told me, my wife, and my eldest it had been hours since she had passed.
Boxing Day was traumatic and grief heavy. The grief is still there and I’ve accepted that it will never completely go away. I thank Red Nose for their grief counselling and support groups that have given me a safe place to express this grief so I can function the best I can in everyday life, while still holding memories of Savvy close and dear.
Red Nose has also been amazing in putting us in touch with a community of bereaved parents so we don’t feel isolated in our journey.
Savvy, I refuse to forget you and will continue to acknowledge your life at every opportunity. Your baby brother due in August will have your life to thank for. I will never have “one of each” gender, but always three children – two girls and a boy.
If you would like to acknowledge Savvy’s life and help me keep my memories of her present, please watch a video we played during her thanksgiving service.
My dear Savannah
How is it that on Christmas day I had been carrying you around on my hip, you had eaten three bowls of pesto pasta, you had been opening presents, dancing, laughing, radiating so much joy and life, and the next morning I would never see you smile again on this earth?
I miss you my dear child. Every day I weep and carry a heaviness wherever I go. Sometimes it feels like needles are piercing my heart, sometimes the grief engulfs me, dragging me to the bottom of the ocean.
I wonder about you every day; what it would be like hearing you call me mummy again, what it would be like not having an empty seat at the back of the car, all the things you would have learned by now.
Never did I think burying my child would be part of my story, but it is now my reality. I am a Christian, but never have I clung to God as much as I do now. How could my precious healthy child live, only to die after 21 months in her sleep with no symptoms or identifiable cause.
Losing Savannah has been the most painful thing in my life. Red Nose has been a great support after her death in providing me and my family with regular counselling to work through our grief and connecting us with parents who have walked the same heartbreaking path before.
It is an honour to remember beautiful Savannah with her parents
If you are able to, please contribute to enable Red Nose to continue journeying with bereaved parents like Jason and Serene. All donations above $2 are tax deductible.
If you need support please reach out to our 24/7 Support Line on 1300 308 307 or visit our support library.
In 2025 we will be hosting a Hike for Hope in Tasmania from 3-5 March. Learn more