24-30 April is World Immunisation Week - highlighting a topic of life-saving significance to parents of babies and young children.

24-30 April is World Immunisation Week!
As we’ve all learned first-hand through the course of the pandemic, immunisation is a critical health intervention that we don’t want to imagine a world without. This year’s theme, set by the World Health Organisation is Humanly Possible: Saving lives through immunisation.
We know that immunisation remains one of the simplest, safest and most effective ways of keeping your baby or child safe from the life-altering or potentially deadly consequences of serious infectious diseases such as whooping cough (pertussis) and measles.
But did you know research has also shown that immunisation may lower your baby’s risk of sudden infant death?
We recommend that babies should receive the normal program of immunisations at the officially scheduled ages, both in infancy and beyond.
And if you’re pregnant, ensuring you’re up to date with all of your own immunisations including the Covid vaccination not only protects you whilst your body is more vulnerable than usual but also protects your baby in utero and up to six months after birth because of the antibodies you will pass on.
As the weather starts cooling down, it’s a perfect time to speak to your GP about your family’s annual flu shots, too. The influenza vaccination is usually free for pregnant women.
For more information on immunisation, call the National Immunisation Information Line on 1800 671 811.
Visit the World Health Organisation