Our Guiding Principles
The work of Red Nose will ensure that any outcomes that come directly or indirectly from our projects have a positive impact on the First Nation community. These benefits may be immediate, short-term or long term.
The work of Red Nose will reflect priorities identified by the First Nation communities – improving maternal, infant and child health outcomes. Further endorsement by the First Nation community will be sought to enhance acceptability, relevance and accountability of the work of Red Nose.
The involvement of First Nation people and organisations is essential in developing the protocols, policies and health promotion initiatives. This involvement must be maintained throughout the work of Red Nose. Information will be clear and understandable and communicated thought the appropriate channels.
The work of Red Nose should be imbedded in the establishment of mutual trust and equivalent partnerships.
Throughout the work of Red Nose, respect for First Nation knowledge and expertise, First Nation knowledge systems and custodianship of that knowledge will be clearly demonstrated.
Talking and listening must be equal. Communication will be culturally and community relevant and reflect a willingness to listen and learn.
Red Nose commits to deliver tangible benefits for the First Nation communities. These benefits will be clearly identified in discussion with the First Nation people and reflect community priorities.
Clear documentation will be developed that identifies an understanding of the levels of community ownership over education material and health promotion initiatives arising from the work of Red Nose.
Red Nose will ensure as a priority that the aspirations and rights of First Nation people are recognised and respected in all their work.
Sharing and translation of the knowledge with the First Nation communities generated through the process of work of Red Nose must be integrated into all stages of the work Red Nose’s National Scientific Advisory Group. Incorporating the knowledge and wisdom of the First Nation communities in the translation of the information will enable accurate interpretation of the information and validate meaning and maximise inclusivity of the First Nation communities in the work of Red Nose.
Benefit defined as ‘the establishment or enhancement of capacities, opportunities or outcomes that advance the interests of First Nation peoples and are valued by them’. Ref NHMRC Values and Ethics: guidelines for ethical conduct in First Nation Research. Canberra Commonwealth of Australia. https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/publications/attachments/e52.pdf (accessed 16th Feb 2016)