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6.5 month will push herself from bottom of cot to the top and wake up crying from bumping her head multiple times a night. I’m getting up 2-4 times to settle and move her back to bottom of cot. I know bumpers aren’t sleep safe so any other suggestions??

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Posted a response on 20/10/21

Red Nose Education

You are right, we do not recommend the use of bumpers as they pose a risk to baby now, she is rolling as they are soft & padded. Most bumpers don’t cover all of the cot anyway.
Some babies doroll into sides of the cot & wake up & this can be very frustrating & tiring for all, but she will most likely soon stop doing it.
Some babies seem to move around less if they are in a sleeping bag.

It is not uncommon for babies, once they are rolling to come in contact with the sides of the cot, hitting their head &/or with their arms/legs poking through the slats.
This does not usually last long, & the risk of injury is negligible.
United States Consumer Product Safety Commission data has shown that infants suffer essentially no long-term injuries from contact with cot slats.

At this stage, still always place her on her back for sleep, but as there is no bedding, she does not need to have her feet at the foot of the cot.
With the warmer weather & now that she is rolling, it is preferable not to use blankets or sheets.

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