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Are weighted blankets (children’s size) considered safe to use in a childcare centre for 2 year old? There is always someone in the room with children sleeping and a 10min sleep check conducted

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Posted a response on 7/7/21

Red Nose Education

The use of weighted blankets for pre-school age children has had very mixed comments & limited research, as far as I am aware.
Red Nose does not have specific advice about their use for any age, but recommends that babies & toddlers should have light weight blankets when sleeping.

If blankets are being used instead of a sleeping bag, it is recommended to place baby with his or her feet at the bottom of the cot, using layers of lightweight blankets that can be added or removed easily according to the room temperature. Tuck blankets in firmly so they cannot become loose and cover baby’s head during sleep.
Overheating can be caused by room heating, high body temperature and excessive clothing or bedding.

Using lightweight blankets is important to allow baby to move freely, particularly when starting to roll
& to reduce the risk of overheating.

ACECQA also has the following information
Safe bedding

Light bedding is the preferred option

The use of weighted blankets appears to be more related to therapeutic use rather than safe bedding for sleep use.
Is there a particular reason that you are wanting to use weighted blankets?

Posted a response on 11/8/21


Hi there,

I am also wondering if a weighted blanket may be suitable for a 2 year old in my program. This child is comforted by being held or laying on top of an educator’s lap to fall asleep and becomes very unsettled when she is transitioned to her cot, even after appearing to be in deep sleep. We want to support this child to safely and independently rest on their sleep mat. My thought is having a bit of a weight may help this child feel secure as they transition to sleeping on a mat at childcare. When the children are sleeping they are doing sleep checks regularly and there is always an educator nearby.

I appreciate your feedback in referring to light bedding and overheating. I would love to hear more about using a weighted blanket if anyone has any evidence based information.

Posted a response on 16/8/21

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends light weight bedding, includes children sleeping in childcare.
The use of weighted blankets for pre-school age children has had very mixed comments & limited research, as far as I am aware.
Red Nose does not have specific advice about their use for any age but recommends that babies & toddlers should have light weight blankets when sleeping.

ACECQA also has the following information
Safe bedding
Light bedding is the preferred option

The use of weighted blankets appears to be more related to therapeutic use rather than safe bedding for sleep use.
Weighted blankets are usually specifically designed & weighted for each person. I have read of some information where weighted blankets are not recommended for pre-school age children at all.

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