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Can you give me a soilid educated answer to this question please. How does tobacco smoke on your clothes and hair increase your baby's risk of SUDI? Thank you

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Posted a response on 4/5/22

Red Nose Education

Thank you for reaching out to us Summer!

Thanks to research and excellent public health campaigns in Australia and overseas, we know and understand that second-hand smoke AND third-hand smoke are dangerous, especially for young babies and children.

This is because babies and children are more vulnerable to the effects that tobacco smake has on the body - particulalry as they are still growing and developing their aiways (amongst other things happening int he body). 

They are also trying to build a strong immune system to protect them from the outside world of coughs, colds and allergies that can all affect their airways - second AND third smoke affect this.

As you may know, babies and young children also spend a lot of time putting things in their mouth as a way of exploring and understadning the world around them.  This might happen on the on or near the floor where they can swallow or breathe in toxins from the third-hand smoke on the floor and other surfaces. They can also pick up toxins left before on parent or caregiver clothing, keys or other objects.

I hope this has helped you understand that importance of keeping baby smoke free!

Have a wonderful day,

Jane x

Posted a response on 4/5/22

Red Nose Education

Thank you for reaching out to us Summer!

Thanks to research and excellent public health campaigns in Australia and overseas, we know and understand that second-hand smoke AND third-hand smoke are dangerous, especially for young babies and children.

This is because babies and children are more vulnerable to the effects that tobacco smake has on the body - particulalry as they are still growing and developing their aiways (amongst other things happening int he body). 

They are also trying to build a strong immune system to protect them from the outside world of coughs, colds and allergies that can all affect their airways - second AND third smoke affect this.

As you may know, babies and young children also spend a lot of time putting things in their mouth as a way of exploring and understadning the world around them.  This might happen on the on or near the floor where they can swallow or breathe in toxins from the third-hand smoke on the floor and other surfaces. They can also pick up toxins left before on parent or caregiver clothing, keys or other objects.

I hope this has helped you understand that importance of keeping baby smoke free!

Have a wonderful day,

Jane x

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