Q&A Forum



Hello, Do babies have to be swaddled when they are put in their cot/bassinet to sleep? I have a 3 week old baby who likes to be swaddles to sleep but is also happy to be put in his bassinet (on his back) for a nap during the day in just his bonds wonder suit, with no other blankets or anything else in the bassinet. Is this safe for him to sleep unattended not swaddled?

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Posted a response on 2/4/20

Red Nose Education

Red Nose has information about safe wrapping/swaddling if you decide to use these.
One of the advantages of wrapping is that babies tend to roll later than those not wrapped.
Wrapping, when used appropriately, is a useful strategy that parents can use to help their babies to settle and sleep on their back during the early months of life

However some babies do not respond well to wrapping & will wriggle & squirm & some may roll as a result.
Some babies like to touch their face with their hands when sleeping.

It is safe to place baby for sleep without a wrap or swaddle as long as the guidelines are followed (as you have illustrated)

Place baby on back for sleep
Keep head/face uncovered (no soft or lose bedding or other items)
Keep baby smoke free.
sleep baby in a safe environment

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