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Hello, I am expecting a baby soon and am feeling very confused about sleep recommendations. Do Red Nose not approve sleeping in bassinets at all? If so I'm considering putting my newborn in our room in a cot but am confused about mattress thickness with this as I can't find a max 7.5cm thick mattress as seems to be recommended on the Red Nose website. The Koala cot and mattress have been recommended on the website however the thickness is 12.5cm so I'm even more confused. Thank you so much, Zoe

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Posted a response on 29/1/24

Red Nose Education

Bassinets do not carry Mandatory Australian Standards from Product Safety Australia (ACCC) however, they do provide some guidelines for use (Buying tips)

Red Nose also provides information for use of a bassinet in the first few months (or until baby is rolling)

Red Nose & Product Safety have the following information about Safe Cot,

The mattress thickness guidelines are different for a bassinet & cot.
All mattresses should be firm, clean, well-fitting & flat.
The mattress thickness will vary due to height of sides of cot or bassinet eg sides of bassinet should be at least 300mm above top of mattress & a cot side 500mm above top of mattress.
This is to prevent baby rolling, falling or climbing from the bassinet or cot.
Have a look at this picture (linked below) in relation to a cot.
https://www.productsafety.gov.au/system/files/Safety alert — Cots.pdf

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