Q&A Forum



Hello, I was wondering where you position a toddler (3yo) when transitioning from a cot to a single bed. Do they go with their head up the head of the bed like adults do, or do you position them down the bottom of the bed like you would a new baby in a cot?

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Posted a response on 5/11/20

Red Nose Education

It is important that baby’s head & face remains uncovered during sleep to reduce the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI)
This can be achieved, when using (light weight) blankets in cot, by tucking them in tightly & placing baby’s feet at the foot of the cot to prevent them wriggling under the blankets.

Generally, if baby is not using blankets it does not matter where in the cot baby is placed.
Once baby/toddler is mobile & in a bed it is not necessary to place baby at the foot.

Red Nose information on transferring child from a cot to a bed, which can be accessed here:

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