Q&A Forum


Mariana Polzella

Hello, My bub just turned 8 months (born at 36 weeks and 5 days) and I was wondering if it is safe to introduce a comforter now? Bubs can roll tummy to back and back to tummy and has been sleeping in a sleeping bag since 10 weeks old. I’m finding that when he shows tired signs, I put him in his cot but the moment I do that, he becomes playful and starts to roll around. He also needs help to fall asleep by rocking either in the cot or in our arms. The comforter we have says is made of polyester. Thanks so much in advance.

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Posted a response on 14/4/20

Red Nose Education

Red Nose has the following information about soft toys/comforters.

Keep soft toys out of the sleeping environment for babies under seven months of age because they may cover the nose and mouth and interfere with breathing.
Some babies over seven months of age may appreciate a small object such as a soft toy to provide comfort and connection (transitional object) during times of separation from their parent.

It may also be helpful to chat with Child Health Nurse about settling techniques.
There are many different Services across the country.

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