Q&A Forum



Hey team, I am quite an anxious person and my partners works FIFO being away for 3 weeks at a time I can get concerned in the night and check my son multiple times to ensure he is fine (sleeps in the same room in a bassinet) a couple of questions, there are websites promoting a Sid’s risk calculator however are not through your direct website, do you know how accurate this is? Can you advise on statistics of SIDS for those who follow your steps for safe sleeping and prevention and lastly what are your thoughts on the owlet sock. Being aware it is not a medical device but can monitor baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels?

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Posted a response on 13/5/24

Red Nose Education

Red Nose does not promote a “SIDS risk calculator” & we are not aware of their accuracy/reliabilty.
We do know that using the Safe Sleep recommendations for every sleep, does reduce the risk of SUDI ( Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy - SIDS & fatal Sleep Accidents)
Since the introduction of Safe Sleep recommendations in late 1980’s/early 90’s there has been over 80% reduction in death rate.

Also, 90% of babies who still die have risk factors in their sleep environment - in particular:
  not being placed on back for sleep
  head & face covered (eg loose, heavy, soft bedding - often in a co-sleeping environment or cot/bassinet)
  sleeping in an unsafe environment.
  exposure to cigarette smoke.

Red Nose does not recommend the use of home monitors as part of Safe Sleep recommendations.
However, for some parents, these monitors can be helpful as a method to help reduce anxiety.

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