Q&A Forum



Hi, Have you heard of the SmartSnugg? And if so is this SIDS approved? It looks amazing but worried it doesn’t pass safety tests Thank you Emma

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Posted a response on 8/10/20

Red Nose Education

Red Nose does not endorse/approve any specific brand name products.

Red Nose does not recommend the need for monitoring a normal well healthy infant or maintaining a specific room temperature.
Use of monitoring has not contributed to the 85% reduction in Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy. (SUDI)
While monitoring is not, in itself, a risk factor, it is important that any form of monitoring does not replace safe sleeping guidelines & appropriate supervision/checking of sleeping babies.

Red Nose has very comprehensive information here:

There is no scientific evidence that using any type of monitor will prevent a sudden unexpected infant death.
Monitor use is disruptive for most families and unnecessary for most babies.
In a very small number of cases, health professionals may recommend the use of home monitors, where their use can be helpful for babies and families.

It is not necessary to monitor the room temperature or to leave the heating or cooling on all night, as long as the baby is dressed appropriately for the room temperature.
A good way to check baby’s temperature is to feel the baby’s back or tummy, which should feel warm (don’t worry if baby’s hands and feet feel cool, this is normal). If baby is showing signs of heat stress, remove some bedding or clothing. This may be necessary if baby is unwell, in which case you should seek medical attention.

Most babies will be rolling by 4-5months of age. This is a normal development stage.
It is important that babies who are rolling are not wrapped/swaddled.

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