Q&A Forum



Hi, how do I know what mattresses are considered safe for toddlers 2 years old and above? Is there a firmness or safety standard they must meet? Does it still need to be firm or is an adult mattress low to the ground ok? And if firmness is still something to consider, how firm? For example furniture stores labelling mattresses as 'firm', 'medium firm', 'medium' etc. We have a spare adult mattress however I believe this doesn't pass the CD stacker test that you can use to test cot mattresses, however does it even need to pass that test for 2 years and up? Thank you.

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Posted a response on 17/6/24

Red Nose Education

The voluntary mattress firmness (AS/NZS 8811.1) is specific to cot mattresses. I am not aware of any standard for mattress standards for full size mattresses.
A firm mattress for a child/toddler is preferable. Have a look at Red nose information in relation to mattresses once child is no longer in a cot.

Also, see information in relation to use of second hand mattress.
“Any previously used mattress should have been well stored, firm and clean. If the mattress is damp, torn or mouldy or there is any doubt about its safety, including fit, it should not be used.”

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