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Hi, I am just wondering if the Snoo bed is safe? It has a thick strap which holds baby in place. I am a health professional and wondering what to advise new parents out there.

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Posted a response on 16/2/21

Red Nose Education

Unfortunately, there are many products on the market which may not meet Safe Sleeping Guidelines.
There are no Mandatory Standards in Australia for bassinets, however, Product Safety Australia does have some “buying tips” for bassinets.
These tips include:
Ensure the sides of the bassinette are at least 300 mm higher than the top of the mattress base.
Ensure it has a wide stable base and a sturdy bottom so that it won’t tip over.
Ensure the mattress fits well and is firm, smooth and no more than 75 mm thick.
If the product has folding legs, make sure it cannot accidentally fold during use.

Red Nose has the following information about bassinets

While we are not aware of any adverse incidents with this specific product, the potential for the baby being “rocked” into a side/tummy position remains, particularly if parents do not use the swaddle restraint, or use it loosely.

The company says that the SNOO is the safest, most effective baby bed.
Red Nose (& other International Safe Sleep specialists) states that the safest place for baby to sleep is in a cot that meets mandatory standards.

The other concern about many types of products is the use of restraints or sleep positioners.
It is also normal development for babies to roll & find their own position of comfort for sleep.
It is important to provide an environment for baby to learn to roll safely, not restrain baby from this.
Most babies begin to show sign of being able to roll from about four months of age. (some earlier)
Some babies begin rolling onto their tummy earlier than this, and some not until later. 
This is perfectly normal, as babies develop differently.

Red Nose does not recommend positional products such as anti-roll devices and items that fasten a baby into a sleeping position.
Products that restrict the movement of a baby or a baby’s head should not be used.
This is because there are no Australian Standards for these products and case studies have shown that these products can be unsafe.
There is strong scientific evidence to show that the best way to reduce the risk of SIDS and sleep accidents is to sleep babies on their back with face and head uncovered, to avoid exposing babies to tobacco smoke and to provide a safe sleeping environment.

Red Nose also has the following information when buying products for baby’s sleep.
It is important for parents when they are thinking of buying a product for their baby to be able to make the best informed decision based on evidence of product safety. This is crucial for preventing SUDI or other fatal sleeping accidents.

It is often assumed that all nursery products sold in retail stores must be safe, however many products have never been formally tested so it can be difficult to tell what is safe for your child.

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