Q&A Forum



Hi, I am just wondering if there is any health risks waking babies anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour? We have families requesting this for children between 12 months and 15 months. Kind regards, Sarah

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Posted a response on 11/10/21

Red Nose Education

Red Nose does not have any specific research or Policy Information about waking sleeping children.
This is not part of the Safe Sleeping recommendations from Red Nose.

Red Nose Safe Sleeping program is aimed at reducing the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) which includes SIDS & Fatal sleeping accidents.
The issue of waking sleeping children is not known as a risk to the baby, in relation to SUDI.

Maybe check with your Local Regulatory Authority or other Health & Safety services who provide information about children’s sleep needs.
Raising Children Network might be helpful -https://raisingchildren.net.au/babies/sleep/understanding-sleep/about-sleep#why-is-sleep-important-nav-title

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