Hi I have recently heard that you should dress the baby not the cot Baby should have more clothing on and no blankets on the cot I have not heard this before I use the raising Children SA and red nose resources to educate my clients and this has not been mentioned in either
Red Nose Education
I’m not sure where the source of that information is from.
Red Nose recommends, when considering how much bedding or clothing, to use light weight bedding/clothing that you can add or reduce to keep baby warm without overheating.
Blankets can be used, as long as they are light weight & do not risk covering baby’s head &/or face.
It is also recommended to dress baby according to room temperature - no need to keep heating or cooling on all night.
Red Nose Education
Red Nose recommends, when considering how much bedding or clothing, to use light weight bedding/clothing that you can add or reduce to keep baby warm without overheating.
Blankets can be used, as long as they are light weight & do not risk covering baby’s head &/or face.
It is also recommended to dress baby according to room temperature - no need to keep heating or cooling on all night.