Q&A Forum



Hi! I was wondering why swaddles with velcro are not recommended? They seem similar to the cloth. Also is arms crossed on top of his body better than pinned to the sides of his body? (Currently he is 3 days old). Thanks!

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Posted a response on 20/4/23

Red Nose Education

Hello, congratulations on the arrival of your new family member! Red Nose recommends that babies are not swaddled after they start to roll, but sometimes parents are not aware of the first attempts at rolling. If the swaddle comes loose while baby is still on their back that is a sign that baby has been starting to move and roll, and it’s time to stop swaddling. If the baby does manage to roll, the loosened swaddle will give them a better chance of rolling off their tummy. Velcro or zipper fasteners will not allow the swaddle to loosen, potentially adding to the risk from baby rolling while swaddled.

The position of the baby’s arms while swaddled is simply a personal preference, as long as the arms are out before the baby starts rolling.

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