Emma Hansen
Hi, my 7.5 month old takes a comforter to bed. He can grab and move objects and turn his head. My concern is, he uses this comforter to rub his eyes and face and will often fall asleep with it over his face. Is this dangerous? Would he be breathing in too much carbon dioxide?
Red Nose Education
Red Nose has the following information about comforters & other soft toys.
Keep soft toys out of the sleeping environment for babies under seven months of age because they may cover the nose and mouth and interfere with breathing.
The risk posed by suffocation by the presence of soft objects in the baby’s sleeping environment outweighs any benefit to the baby from a soft toy. It is therefore advised not to place soft toys and other soft objects in the cot for babies under seven months of age.
It is difficult to give specific information about your baby in relation to rebreathing & carbon dioxide levels, but rebreathing can be a concern, particularly in babies less than 7 months of age.
The above linked article provides comprehensive information which you may find helpful.