Q&A Forum



Hi, Our new born is 6 days old but has already shown signs of rolling. If placed on her back without blankets or coverings she will roll onto her side. We place our child to sleep on her back in a safe sleeping bag with her arms tucked in. This is to reduce the startle reflex. However we also know that the arms should be free if the baby is able to roll over. We have not observed her being able to roll fully onto her front. Only back to side. She hasn't rolled in a sleeping bag yet. Is it advisable to continue using a safe sleeping bag with the arms tucked in? Or should we leave her arms out knowing that she has started rolling, but will often wake from the startle reflex. Thanks.

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Posted a response on 8/2/21

Red Nose Education

Most babies do not roll to tummy intentionally before 3 months, however some babies do roll, especially to the side, at a very early age.
Often these babies do not respond well to wrapping/swaddling (including in swaddle suits as you mention) & prefer to have their arms free.
Some babies like to touch their face or suck fingers when settling.

You could try placing her for sleep with arms out.
Always place baby on the back for sleep.

Red Nose does not recommend the use of sleep positioners.
Red Nose does not recommend positional products such as anti-roll devices and items that fasten a baby into a sleeping position.
Products that restrict the movement of a baby or a baby’s head should not be used.

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