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Hi there, my 4 week old is exceptionally strong and likes to wriggle a lot. When I woke her up for her early morning feed she had scooted all the way over to the side of her bassinet. She sleeps in an arms up love to dream swaddle. Her bassinet is mesh sided. We put her on her back in the bassinet and the mattress is firm. She did the same thing on her day time nap today. Should I be concerned?

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Posted a response on 15/7/24

Red Nose Education

Some babies do not respond well to swaddling & some like their arms free to touch their face or suck on fingers.
Many of these babies will wriggle & squirm in an attempt to get arms free, & often their swaddle comes loose, or they end up in various positions in the bassinet.
With swaddle suits, like the one you describe, they can’t “escape” & often end up in different positions.
There are many different types of swaddle suits - but they are all classified as swaddles, ie the baby’s arms are tucked in & not f
You may like to try using a muslin or cotton swaddle but wrapping with arms out see link below.
In this same link is also some information “wrapping & swaddle products” that you may also find helpful.(scroll down page)

You could also try her in a sleeping bag (arms out)
If she continues to wriggle squirm, you could also try her in her cot.
The concern is that she may wriggle & move & end up on her side/tummy.

Have you started tummy time yet?
How does she go? - if you haven’t been doing tummy time yet, it is important to start.
Tummy time is important to help build upper body strength in preparation for rolling.

Always continue to place baby on back for sleep.

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