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Hi there, My 6 month old is exceptionally active in bed and will ‘slug’ on his tummy around up into all corners and crevices of the bed, often banging his head hard against the cot and making himself upset, or getting his hands tangled in the bars. I know for bumpers are not safe. What about this ‘air’ mesh that is similar to the lining of a travel cot? https://www.target.com.au/p/airwrap-cot-liner-mesh-4-sides-white/63857269?utm_term=63857269&utm_content=airwrap-cot-liner-mesh-4-sides-white&utm_source=google&utm_medium=merchant-site&utm_campaign=merchant-site&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3rCnrMPi8wIVmxsrCh2vLwFFEAQYAyABEgJuS_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Also, he almost exclusively sleeps on his stomach (I place him on his back and he rolls - he rolls competently both ways all night long so we are comfortable with this). Is a comforter from 7 months + approved for all sleepers, including tummy sleepers? Thanks so much for your guys fantastic resources. Emily

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Posted a response on 25/10/21

Red Nose Education

Most babies will be rolling over by 4- 5 months. This is very normal as babies grow & become stronger.
Many babies then prefer to sleep on their side or tummy.
This is not something that needs to be stopped. It is important to make his new environment as safe as possible.

It is not uncommon for babies to roll into the sides of the cot hit their head or get arms/legs thru the slats.
The air mesh wrap will not provide any protection from hitting his head.

There is also no evidence to suggest baby will cause any serious injury by accidentally bumping their head on cot sides or putting legs/arms between slats.
‘Parents are concerned about the potential for injury from the infant bumping up against the cot or getting an extremity wedged between the slats.

They should be reassured by the Consumer Product Safety Commission(CPSC) data that clearly show that infants suffer essentially no long term injuries from contact with the cot slats, making cot pads unnecessary for infant safety.’(Moon 2007)

A soft toy/comforter may assist baby to settle.
Once baby is rolling, most of them prefer to sleep on their tummy.
Red Nose recommend NOT introducing soft toy to babies less than 7 months of age

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