Q&A Forum



Hi There, My bub is 3.5months old. He is now too small for the bassinet. Hits the sides and head is starting to touch the top.. I am not comfortable putting him in his cot yet as it's in another room and does not fit in ours.. Is it suitable for bub to sleep nights in a portacot or is this not a suitable long term soloution? Thank you

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Posted a response on 27/4/20

Red Nose Education

Portacots are not generally recognised as a long term sleep environment by Product Safety Australia
This is predominantly due to “wear & tear” issues.
Red Nose recommends only using a portable cot that meets Mandatory Australian Standards.
Portacots have specific weight limits for use. Mostly this limit is 15kg but some can be as low as 8kg so important to check in relation to your cot.
Also, check the information Red Nose in relation to Portable cots.

I would suggest that as baby grows & begins to roll & move around the cot that a standard cot be used then.
A safe environment takes priority over Room Sharing.

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