Q&A Forum



Hi- your information on safe sleeping environments says there is no evidence around keeping the baby’s bedroom within a certain temperature range. But the Lullaby Trust (endorsed by National Childbirth Trust) in the UK suggest maintaining a cool room between 16 and 20 degrees. Can you explain why the advice differs?

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Posted a response on 22/10/24

Red Nose Education

Red Nose Australia, American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) in USA & Lullaby Trust in UK provide consistent information when it comes to reducing the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI - SIDS & fatal Sleeping Accidents)  However, some information may be provided in a different format.
eg while Lullaby trust recommends room temperature range they also say the following:
“Every baby is different and our advice on the ideal room temperature for babies is intended as a guide only”

General recommendations & guidelines are the same:
Avoid overheating by not placing a hat on baby while sleeping (keep baby head & face uncovered)
Dress baby to room temperature not “under dressed or overdressed”.
It is not necessary to keep heating or cooling on all the time.
Always place baby on back for sleep.

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