Q&A Forum


Lexi Masterman

Hi. My baby is almost 8 months old. I’m finding she’s waking a lot with a cold head and she seems really uncomfortable. If I lay her on the spare bed in her room she falls asleep straight away and seems content (I don’t fall asleep with her or leave her on the bed unattended). She has torticollis and I think the mattress is too hard for her and is hurting her neck. My mum suggested buying a low pile pure sheepskin underlay for the cot but I am unsure if this is safe for her to sleep in?

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Posted a response on 8/4/20

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends that baby sleeps on a mattress that is firm, & flat (not elevated)
The major concern about a woolen underlay is its potential for creating a significant softness to the mattress.

A soft mattress or sleeping surface can increase the risk of sudden unexpected infant death if baby rolls over onto the tummy. Remove plastic packaging from the mattress and always make sure that the waterproof mattress protector is strong and a tight fit. Never put soft bedding under the bottom sheet, such as a sheepskin, as this makes the sleeping surface too soft.

A good way to check baby’s temperature is to feel the baby’s back or tummy, which should feel warm

Is your daughter seeing a physio or your GP for Torticollis?

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