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I am considering buying a dockatot for my 1 month old to use for supervised sleeping. Does it meet Australian safety standards? Have any sleep studies been done with this product?

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Posted a response on 3/9/19

Red Nose Australia

Dear Naomi,

Thank you for contacting Red Nose with your question
There are lots of different products on the market and it can be quite confusing for families to know what is safe and unsafe for their baby. Red Nose recommends families consider these questions about the products they are looking to use:
• Does the product allow the baby to sleep flat and not tilted or elevated? Red Nose recommends that all babies sleep on a firm and flat mattress.
• Is the product made of soft materials and or have soft sides? Soft materials can put babies at risk of suffocation.
• Does the product put baby in a position where their chin may come forward onto their chest for example in a womb/nest style? When a babies chin comes forward onto their chest it can obstruct their airway and make it hard for baby to breathe.
Only cots and portable cots sold within Australia are required to meet Australian Safety Standards for sleep and will feature the badge AS/NZS2172:2003.
Nose recommends that the safest place for a baby to sleep is in a safe cot that meets Australian Safety Standards, with a firm, flat, clean and well fitted mattress. For more information on nursery products and what to consider before purchasing please see our information statement: https://rednose.org.au/article/baby-safe-sleeping-products

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