Q&A Forum



I am looking at purchasing a pram (Steelcraft Strider Mini) which says it’s suitable for newborns especially with a “comfort insert”, but I notice the baby would not be lying completely flat in the pram - their hips would be flexed slightly. Is there any guidance on how safe this is, and how long I could safely leave them in there if eg going to a cafe etc? As I’m not sure whether to purchase the bassinet attachment too. Thank you

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Posted a response on 5/6/24

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommendations are related to safe sleep, but of course babies do go to sleep when out & about in a pram.
As a pram is a transporting device, Red Nose would not recommend using a pram as a regular/permanent sleep environment, particularly if the base is not flat. Always supervise a baby when sleeping in a pram.
While prams do have Mandatory Safety Standards, it is in relation to them being a transport vehicle not a sleep environment.
Babies should always be place on their back on a firm, flat (not elevated) surface for all sleeps, including daytime naps.

See also information when using a bassinet - there are no Mandatory Safety Standards for bassinets in Australia.

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