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I am looking to purchase a breathable cot mattress. What should I look out for and steer away from when purchasing this mattress? Also what should I look out for when purchasing a portable cot?

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Posted a response on 2/7/21

Red Nose Education

Dear Renee,

Thank you for your great question.  A safe mattress is one that is the right size for the cot, is firm, clean and in good condition and is placed flat (not tilted or elevated).  When selecting a design, look for mattresses that are firm but not made from memory foam. Memory foams conforms under pressure and can significant safety issues in the cot environment, including overheating which we know is a significant SIDS risk factor.

Right size: Ensure the mattress complies with the size and depth recommended by the manufacturer of the cot. A baby or toddler can get stuck in gaps between a poor fitting mattress and the cot sides. This is especially dangerous if their face is trapped and covered, or their neck is restricted in any way. Make sure there is no more than a 20mm gap between the mattress and the cot sides and ends

Firm: Use a firm sleep surface that is compliant with the new AS/NZS Voluntary Standard (AS/NZS 8811.1:2013 Methods of testing infant products – Sleep Surfaces - Test for firmness). For further information about ensuring adequate mattress firmness see here or watch the video.

When looking to purchase a portable cot - be reassured that portable cots sold in this country must meet Australian Safety Standards. This is often indicated on the item or swing tag.
you don’t have to spend a lot of money, just a simple portable cot is perfectly fine.
Please do however, ONLY use the mattress that is designed for use in the portable and never consider adding additional items to soften the surface in any way. Doing this increases risk to your baby and must be avoided.

Best wishes,


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