Q&A Forum



I have heard wool blankets aren’t recommended but does Red Nose have an opinion about Woolbabe sleep sacks? They’re made with cotton and wool and have great reviews, but I want to make sure the material is safe as long as it’s in a sleep sack not a blanket. Thank you! https://thesleepstore.com.au/content/woolbabe/feedback

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Posted a response on 20/12/21

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommendation for a safe sleeping bag is one that is the right size for the baby with appropriate size neck & arm hole - ie it fits properly - & has no hood.
Ensure the neck fits properly - some sleeping bags with “V” necks have been too large around the baby’s neck, increasing risk of baby’s face being covered.
Red Nose does not recommend any specific fabric to use (or not use)
If the fabric is warmer than another, then you would use clothing/bedding for baby to reduce any risk of overheating.

A safe baby sleeping bag is constructed in such a way that the baby cannot slip inside the bag and become completely covered.
The sleeping bag should be the correct size for the baby with a fitted neck, armholes (or sleeves) and no hood.
When using a sleeping bag, ensure that baby is dressed according to the room temperature.

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