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I have my 3 month old daughter in the zizee bassinet which is mesh all around and she is un swaddled in a sleep sack with her arms out as we noticed her rolling on her side early on. I find she moves around a lot in the bassinet and find her diagonally or completely to one side of the bassinet and even completely horizontal this morning that her head and feet were touching each side. Should I be moving her into a cot in our room ? I’m not sure if the bassinet is now dangerous? But I feel like it’s okay as it’s completely mesh even if her face was to be against the side. Our cot is metal so I’m worried she will hit her head if she’s moving around so much.

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Posted a response on 22/5/24

Red Nose Education

Sounds like she is making significant attempts to roll, so would definitely suggest she is moved to her cot.
Babies need arms free & the space of a cot to roll safely.

The information about baby rolling is the same, regardless of age.
Most babies will be rolling over by 4- 5 months. Some earlier, some later.
This is very normal as babies grow & become stronger.
Many babies then prefer to sleep on their side or tummy.
This is not something that needs to be stopped. It is important to make her new environment as safe as possible.

How does she go with tummy time when awake?
Always, continue to place baby on their back for sleep.

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