Q&A Forum


Carol Cooke

I want some information about the use of polar fleece blankets and suits for babies and toddlers, but I am having difficulty finding what I want. I am trying to update our sleep policy at the childcare center and need a reliable reference as to why we want to avoid the use of these products

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Posted a response on 14/9/20

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends the use of light weight blankets for babies/toddlers when sleeping.
Many babies who wear sleeping bags may need no blankets at all.
Amount of bedding is guided by the room temperature.
Research has shown that baby’s risk of dying suddenly and unexpectedly is increased if baby is sleeping on the tummy and that risk is even further increased if baby is sleeping on the tummy under heavy bedding or if baby’s head becomes covered by bedding in any position. Babies manage heat loss very efficiently when placed on the back to sleep with the head uncovered.

Dress baby for sleep and add/remove lightweight blankets to ensure baby’s back or tummy feels comfortably warm to the touch.

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