Q&A Forum



I was recently recommended a Sleepy Company Fx Swaddle for newborns and small babies. I have read some of your posts & articles about sleep bags, suits & swaddles & am unsure whether the Fx swaddle would be recommended for use or not? The arms can be in sleeves in 2/3 settings but also still look a little restricted in terms of full range of motion to counteract Moro reflex. Thank you

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Posted a response on 2/3/22

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends using a light cotton or muslin wrap when swaddling.
Use only lightweight wraps such as cotton or muslin (bunny rugs and blankets are not safe alternatives as they may cause overheating).

For wrapping to be effective, the wrap needs to be firm but not too tight. Techniques that use tight wrapping with legs straight and together increase the risk of abnormal hip development, while loose wraps are also hazardous as they can cover baby’s head and face.

The wrap should be firm, to prevent loose wrapping becoming loose bedding. However, the wrap should not be too tight and must allow for hip and chest wall movement.

As soon as a baby shows signs of beginning to roll, wrapping should be discontinued for sleep periods.

Red Nose also has the comprehensive information about swaddle suits/products.
Wrapping & swaddle products



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