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I’m wanting to transition my daughter to a big bed, our only spare bed is a queen size and it’s slightly raised off the floor and I’m not wanting to put the matress directly on the floor as I worry about mould. Is it ok for the bed to be pushed against the wall at this age? I also am unsure when to introduce a doona and pillows and a top sheet etc? What else can we do to make it as safe as possible for her

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Posted a response on 2/6/24

Red Nose Education

How old is your daughter?
The general Safe Sleep recommendations to reduce the risk of SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy - SIDS & Fatal Sleep Accidents) are predominantly related to babies less than 1 yo.
However, when transferring baby from a cot to a bed, there are of course, other risks.
Its important to weigh up the risks & the potential for injury.
Have a look at the Red Nose “Cot to Bed” brochure. https://rednose.org.au/downloads/RN0407_22_Cot-to-Bed.pdf

Is it possible to get a single bed or toddler bed that is low to the floor, with specially fitted rails?

As far as using a doona, &  pillow is concerned, the general recommendation is:
Red Nose recommends waiting until the child is over two years old and no longer sleeping in a cot or portable cot before introducing pillows into their sleep environment
A top sheet can be used. Sleeping bags may now creates a risk of falls if used when toddler is in a bed.
Also, check what areas of room & House your child will have access to now they are able to wander.
See also Cot to bed brochure linked above.

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