Q&A Forum
- is it safe to use a baby sleeping bag without arm holes? So the babies arms are inside the sleeping bag? Like this product: https://www.target.com.au/p/ergo-pouch-cocoon-swaddle-bag-2-5-tog/68287610?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_sq2BhCUARIsAIVqmQuh1lzA2VCx7swR2pKGhxooU8P09TqoZfQouoJiTluaAYD-6MODuUUaAnenEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Red Nose Education
How old is your baby?
Is your baby rolling yet?
These sleeping suits (swaddle suits) are to replace swaddling/wrapping using a muslin wrap.
Red Nose recommends using a light weight cotton or muslin wrap.
There are a number of these types of swaddle products on the market.
Red Nose provides the following information
(scroll down page to wrapping & swaddle products.)