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My 10 week old baby will not settle in his bassinet on his back. It has been an ongoing battle with lots of different attempts with wraps, sleep suits and sleeping bags all different materials and all with no success. We have also changed the sheet materials and tried every trick with white noise etc all with no success. Turns out he will settle quickly on his stomach. He has good neck strength and control but obviously can’t roll yet. In the day he is completely supervised and we have not had to move his head for him he seems to manage position changes well on his own. Nights are challenging because I am too scared to leave him on his stomach. Can a 10 week old sleep on their tummy unsupervised? His bassinet is next to me in our room. (Born term and healthy).

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Posted a response on 9/7/20

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends that you always place baby on the back for sleep.
As baby grows stronger they will start to roll & many prefer to sleep on their tummy.

How does your baby go with tummy time when awake?
I see you have mentioned that he has good neck control, is he reaching for objects or attempting to roll?

Even when baby is rolling, Red Nose still recommends placing baby on back for sleep & allow them to find own position of comfort.

If baby is rolling, they can be left to sleep on tummy (regardless of age) provided:
they are placed on back for sleep
baby is moved to cot from bassinet
swaddling/wrapping is ceased
mattress is firm, & flat
no loose or soft bedding

Most babies begin to show sign of being able to roll from about four months of age. Some babies begin rolling onto their tummy earlier than this, and some not until later. This is perfectly normal, as babies develop differently.
If you wrap baby, consider baby’s stage of development. Leave arms free once the startle reflex disappears around 3 months.

Have you tried transferring him to his cot?
Have you made contact with Child & Family/Maternal Child Health nurse to discuss settling techniques?
Red Nose has the following advice line to also discuss safe sleeping issues - 1300 998 698

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