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My 12 week old started rolling a few weeks ago and we immediately stopped swaddling her. She is rolling front to back but not confidently. She has not yet rolled back to front but this week has been trying (but failing) to overnight. She seems to prefer to sleep on her side, or possibly her stomach but she can’t get there. She sleeps in a co-sleeper style bassinet (co-sleeper function isn’t used) that is larger than a standard bassinet (50cm X 85cm), and she herself is smaller than average (20th percentile). Is it safe to keep her in the co-sleeper bassinet for awhile? She appears to have quite a bit of room and is below the weight limit, and the bassinet is very stable. We cannot fit a cot in our room so the alternative is moving her out of our room, which we are keen to avoid until she is older.

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Posted a response on 9/1/24

Red Nose Education

Most babies will be rolling by 4-5 mths, some earlier, some later. This is very normal as babies grow & become stronger.
Many babies then prefer to sleep on their side or tummy.
This is not something that needs to be stopped. It is important to make her new environment as safe as possible.

The information in the link above includes the following info to help provide a safe environment now she is rolling:
Cease swaddling (which you have done) & move to cot. Baby’s need arms free & the space of a cot to roll well & safely.
Continue to place baby on back for sleep.
Ensure cot mattress is firm & there is nothing loose/soft in the cot.

How does she go with tummy time when awake?
Increase tummy time when awake to help strengthen upper body muscles.

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