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My 14 month old doesnt sleep in his cot now. He sleeps on our bed between me n my husband. Is it safe to use blanket for the baby now?me n my husband use seperate blankets

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Posted a response on 2/11/20

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends that the safest place for baby to sleep is in a cot that meets Mandatory Australian standards.
Red Nose also stresses the importance of keeping baby’s head & face uncovered & avoid loose & soft bedding.
However, these guidelines are specifically aimed at reducing the risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI)
SUDI, includes SIDS & fatal Sleep accidents, which occurs in babies less than 12 months of age.

Red Nose has a risk minimization approach to co-sleeping.
Based on the best available research, Red Nose promotes a risk minimisation approach that helps to facilitate informed choice to suit a family’s cultural beliefs and environmental circumstances.

It is still recommended to keep baby’s head & face uncovered & to avoid heavy adult bedding
Have a look at: Strategies to reduce risk in a shared sleeping environment.

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