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My 6 week old is able to roll onto her side enabling her to roll up to the edge of the bassinet. What recommendations do you have to aid safe positioning and safe sleep at this early age?

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Posted a response on 24/4/20

Red Nose Education

We have had regular questions in relation to babies rolling at an early age.
Most babies don’t start to roll intentionally till about 4 months - some earlier, some later.
Are you wrapping/swaddling your baby?

Red Nose recommends always place baby on back to sleep.

However, there seems to be a number of babies who wriggle/roll to their side or get out of their wrap, at an early age, as you are describing.
Sometimes it is because these babies do not respond well to wrapping, & are less likely to roll when unwrapped, (ie both arms out)
At times babies like to touch their face when sleeping.
It may be helpful if you continue to wrap under arms only, using a muslin wrap, or to cease wrapping.
If she is attempting to roll when in her bassinet, it may be time to move her from bassinet into her cot.

All swaddling (muslin wrap or swaddle suit) should be ceased when baby is rolling.

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