Q&A Forum



My 8 week old has just started to move towards one side of the bassinet while sleeping, so that he ends up in a more diagonal position. His face is getting close to the mesh sides, and from reading previous questions here, it appears that moving to a cot (unswaddled) is recommended. His cot won’t fit in our room, would a compact cot be safe or would he need the full size cot for safe movement? He is a large baby (97th percentile) and is likely to outgrow bassinet soon regardless. Thank you

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Posted a response on 3/7/24

Red Nose Education

Some babies do not respond well to swaddling & some like their arms free to touch their face or suck on fingers.
Many of these babies will wriggle & squirm in an attempt to get arms free.

You can try wrapping him with arms out , or you could cease wrapping altogether, if arms free only doesn’t seem to keep baby more settled.

It is ok to use a compact cot, as long as it meets Mandatory Australian Standards. (AS/NZS:2172)

How does he go with tummy time when awake?

Always continue to place baby on back for sleep.

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