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My baby is nearly 10 weeks old. We currently swaddle her for sleep in her bassinet and follow safe sleep guidelines. Recently (in the past week) she has been managing to get her arms out of the swaddle, no matter how tight I swaddle her (not to the point that it’s so tight it affects her breathing). I only notice her arms out when I wake up, they are in the swaddle when she goes to sleep. Is it time to consider a sleep suit so her arms can be out for sleep? Thanks!

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Posted a response on 17/6/24

Red Nose Education

Some babies do not respond well to swaddling & some like their arms free to touch their face or suck on fingers.
Many of these babies will wriggle & squirm in an attempt to get arms free, & often their swaddle comes loose, or they end up in various positions in the bassinet.
Some babies will break free from their swaddle, not long before they start to roll.
All babies need “arms free” & space of a cot when rolling
You could try swaddling her with arms out, using muslin wrap, or not swaddle at all.

You could also try her in a sleeping bag (arms out)
If she continues to wriggle squirm, you could also try her in her cot.

How does she go with tummy time when awake?

Always continue to place baby on back for sleep.

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