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My daughter is 35 weeks pregnant with her first child. I smoke in my own home but not hers. She has asked that I give her a set of clothes to keep at her place that she can wash to get the smoke out of my clothes and that when I visit I change into these clothes, and brush my teeth and wash my hands so residual smoke on my clothes and breath does not increase the risk of sids to her baby. She has also said she wont visit me at my home for 12 months, when she believes the risk of sids will be decreased. I would never smoke if the baby was in my home. Is there any evidence of a person visiting who smokes in their own home and an increased risk of sids. thank you

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Posted a response on 23/1/24

Red Nose Education

There is a large amount of research that identifies the risks to babies & children when they are exposed to cigarette smoke during pregnancy, infancy & childhood.
Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy - SUDI (includes SIDS & Fatal sleeping accidents) is one of the issues associated with second-hand smoking.
Thirdhand smoke exposure is not as well understood (particularly in relation to SUDI/SIDS) & most research is fairly recent. Much more needs to happen to help in having a greater understanding of the risks.
Third hand smoke is the residual smell of smoke on body, clothes, hair & any hard surfaces in the house & car.
As with second hand smoke, the risk posed to infants & children is “dose related” - the greater the exposure, the greater the risk.

Red Nose does not have any specific information on third hand smoke exposure & risk, but many State Helth Departments do identify potential risks.

Tobacco Australia has some specific information on third hand smoke, states the following:
“While the proportion of harm that is attributable to thirdhand smoke (compared with secondhand smoke) is unknown, there is increasing evidence and consensus that thirdhand smoke contributes significant harm.”

Have a read of the above 1 page article - you might find it helpful to understand some of the concerns expressed by your daughter.

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