Q&A Forum



My son is 3 months old (however was born prematurely at 27 gestation) and just got home from hospital. The mattress on the bassinet we are using is really firm, much harder than the mattress in the hospital, and I feel that he is finding it uncomfortable and won’t settle. He is much more settled in the pram during the day which has a softer mattress. I was thinking of putting lambswool on the bassinet mattress covered with a mattress protector and then mattress cover. Would this be suitable? Is this safe for him or would it cushion the mattress too much? Thank you!

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Posted a response on 19/5/21

Red Nose Education

Red Nose recommends that a baby sleeps on a mattress that is firm, clean, well-fitting & flat.

A soft mattress or sleeping surface can increase the risk of sudden unexpected infant death if baby rolls over onto the tummy. Remove plastic packaging from the mattress and always make sure that the waterproof mattress protector is strong and a tight fit. Never put soft bedding under the bottom sheet, such as a sheepskin, as this makes the sleeping surface too soft.

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